Family Tree High School Projects
Family tree or genealogy project for the high school student can be a lot more sophisticated than those of the younger grades. Teachers can assign students projects which will help them develop research skills and help them learn how to properly cite their resources.
The United States Census
- The United States starting taking the census in 1790 as dictated from the United States
Constitution. A census has been taken every ten years since then. There's a lot of
genealogy information available within them which is why they've become a staple in
researching your family history in United States. The United State Census Bureau has
developed lesson plans for teaching about the census in schools.
The lesson plans are geared towards ( K - Grade 4, Grade 5 - Grade 8, Grade 9 -Grade 12). The link below will take you to the main page for the US Census Lesson Plans.
United States Census Lesson Plans
High School Autobiography Project
My daughter's 9th grade high school teacher assigned an autobiography project to her
students. This included many different prompts for the students to choose from. These
prompts can be used for any grade in high school and even for your own autobiography
if you choose.
9th Grade Autobiography Project