The information contained in this search index may be used for non-commercial purposes

This index is made possible through the efforts of Bob Pittman, Jeannine Wegmueller, Harlan Jessup, and the kind folks at the Genealogy Club of Newtown, Connecticut.

Help, Hints, and Name vs Soundex

How Can You Help

Accuracy of Records

Every effort was made to verify the accuracy of the index database. In some cases, the original records are smudged, illegible or poorly written. If you have a correction or addition, after the search, please click on "suggest update" to generate an email with the corrected information (Don't worry folks, we generate it for you.)

Missing Records

Some records may be missing. If they are, please send an email with as much information as you have. This will help ensure a more complete database.


If you would like to add comments to the record in the database that will help other researchers, please send it along. The comment field is not designed to be a full biography of the person or replace the original vital records. Comments should limited to basic identification information.

For example:


After searching for the person, click on "suggest update" and generate an email with the additional information.

Find A Grave Memorial Numbers

Find A Grave provides a wealth of information based on cemetery records and gravestones. If you know the Find A Grave memorial number for anyone in the database, after searching for the person, please click on "suggest update" to generate an email with the additional information (Don't worry folks, we generate it for you.)



Hints on How to Find Your Ancestor

General Hints

Birth Records

Death Records

Marriage Records



Partial Name Search vs. Soundex Search

What is Partial Name Search

What is a Soundex Search