The Seymour Historical Society is a truly great small town historical society. They have a large research library all about the town of Seymour and the people who lived there.
One of the true gems of their collection is the School Registers which date from 1891 and runs through 1959. The school register lists all the students who attended school. The register collects the following data points (Name of girl or boy, age in years and months, date of last birthday and the name of the parent or guardian. The image below is a small snapshot of what you will find in this fabulous resource. These records have not been indexed and you will not find this record anywhere else.

Other resources available at the Seymour Historical Society include;
- Old Deeds from Seynmour, vol 1, 4, 16 – 22
- DAR Lineage Books
- School Yearbooks from 1941
- Early City Directories
- Early Town Reports
- The Seymour Record [newspaper] original copies from the late 1800s
- Books of Seymour Vital Records
- Books written by local authors
If you have any ancestors who have any connection to Seymour, Connecticut you will want to make sure you check out this historical society.

The Oxford (Connecticut) Historical Society has a great collection of materials which would benefit genealogists looking for information about ancestors from Oxford, Connecticut. The Oxford Historical Society is located at 60 Towner Road in Oxford, Connecticut. The Twitchell-Rowland Homestead is a 1755 building which was saved from demolition. The society has a small collection of books and materials about Oxford, it’s history and the people who lived within it. These materials include;
- Early Houses of Oxford
- Oxford Records – A History of Oxford
- History of the Town of Oxford, Connecticut
- A History of Christ Church Quaker Farms in Oxford, Connecticut
- Oxford Records, The First 175 Years
- Barbour Collection Orange, Oxford, Plainfield
- Riggs Genealogy – 23 Binders (Unlikely published anywhere else)
- Woodruff Genealogy
- Genealogy of Col. John Davis
- Hale, House & Related Families mainly of the Connecticut River Valley
- Various account books from businesses in Oxford, Connecticut
- Seymour Past and Present
If you have ancestors from Oxford, Connectiocut, come check out Oxford’s first and only museum in a colonial homestead. You can also visit and like the societies facebook page Oxford Historical Society – Facebook. Feel free to leave a comment.
Christmas Gift Idea: Create a calendar of your ancestors photos

Many of the readers to my blog know about my interest in local historical societies. You can often find many hidden genealogy nuggets in these great resources. The Naugatuck (Connecticut) Historical Society located at 195 Water Street in Naugatuck, CT is one of those.
The first Thursday of each month the museum is now open to the public from 6-8pm. Each month a different theme will help make history come alive for your family. Regular admission fees apply, $2 per person or free for members.
The research library at the museum contains the following items which might be of interest for those looking for ancestors who were from Naugatuck, Connecticut.
- City Directoires — Naugatuck City Directories from 1891
- Town Reports — Naugatuck Town Reports from 1871
- Yearbooks —Naugatuck High School Yearbooks from 1924
- Census — Census of the Town of Naugatuck from 1877
- Maps — Various maps with names, one from 1868
- Catalogue reference files — Various file folders of persons and companies from Naugatuck
- Civil war letters — from Asaph Tyler to his wife Josephione Hotchkiss
- Account Books — various account books from the Lauren Ward (a clock maker) company from 1866
If you have ancestors from the town of Naugatuck, be sure to check out the Naugatuck Historical Society. You can also find them on Facebook. Naugatuck Historical Society Facebook

The Oxford Historical Society will present Kevin Johnson as Private William Webb, an African-American Civil War soldier from Connecticut at the Oxford Grange Hall on Saturday, October 27, at 1 p.m. The Grange Hall is located between the Oxford Center Firehouse and Oxford Center School on Route 67 in Oxford.
Admission to the event will be $5 for adults, and $2 for students, with a maximum cost of $10 per family. Proceeds will be used for continued restoration and preservation at the Society’s Twitchell-Rowland Homestead Museum.
Private Webb was an actual soldier, a native of Hartford. He was recruited in 1863 and served in the 29th(Colored) Regiment, Connecticut Volunteer Infantry in several battles in Virginia under Oxford native Colonel William B. Wooster.
In July 1862, Congress authorized President Lincoln to use “persons of African descent” in military service. The Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863 sanctioned their enlistment.
Johnson’s presentation of Webb is told from an emotional and exciting first-person perspective that vividly illustrates the struggle of African-Americans in the Colored Infantry during the Civil War. He speaks of his early life in Hartford, his recruitment and training and the traumatic final battles of the War. The presentation is based on extensive research in the collections of the Connecticut State Library and the Museum of Connecticut History.
Further information about the program is available by calling Nancy Farnum at (203) 888-0230.
Don’t lose your valuable genealogy research to a hard drive crash.