I thought I’d take a few moments to go over some Hidden Genealogy Nuggets highlights in 2012.
Visitor Statistics
Hidden Genealogy Nuggets utilizes Google Analytics to track the users to it’s website and blog. The following statistics are some highlights for 2012
- More than 10,000 unique visitors visited Hidden Genealogy Nuggets Website.
- Visitors came from all 50 states and the District of Columbia
- There were visitors from more than 100 different countries
- The top three countries other than the USA were the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia
Top 10 most popular Blog Posts
Here are our ten most popular blog posts in order for this year.
Top four most popular Non-Blog Pages
Here are our top four most popular non-blog pages on our website this year.
Social Media Impacts
For those of you who haven’t used social media to enhance your reach to potential users of your blog, I would encourage you to try. In 2012, Hidden Genealogy Nuggets established a routine of posting a link to our blogs on Facebook. We also have also been posting links to our blog posts on Twitter and on Google Plus. In addition to links to our blog posts you can also find unique photos and information directly on our Facebook page, Twitter or Google Plus.
Here are some highlights regarding our social media presence.
- Our Facebook page has received more than 100 likes.
- We have over 450 Twitter followers
- We have more than 100 people who are following us on Google Plus
- More than 1,000 visits to Hidden Genealogy Nuggets can be attributed to social media referrals
……To like us on Facebook visit the Hidden Genealogy Nuggets Facebook Page.
……You can follow us on Twitter
……Or you can follow us on Google Plus Hidden Genealogy Nuggets on Google Plus (Jim Sanders)
Have your genealogy data backed up online and off site. Try an online backup service today for free.
What are your genealogy plans for 2013? One of the best things which has worked for me in the past is to write down my goals for genealogy research as the new year is coming?
Here are some items you might want to put on your list to preserve your family history for the upcoming year;
- Write one short biography (or more) of one your favorite ancestors.
- Organize your papers you’ve accumulated.
- Organize your computer files related to genealogy
- Try to fill in specific blanks within your genealogy
- You may want to fill out an application for a heredity society such as the Union Sons of the Civil War.
- Perhaps you want to scan and save your old photos.
- What about taking photos of some heirloom objects and writing a short paragraph of how it relates to the family and how you came to have it.
- If you have a blog, perhaps you want to set a goal to blog at least once e week. Geneabloggers.com offers daily blogging prompts which helps bloggers develop content. Some prompts require very little writing such as Wordless Wednesday.

Your goals may look something like this at the end of your planning;
- Reorganize my paper files by 1/31/2013
- Reorganize my computer files by 3/31/2013
- Write short biography of John Charles Sanders by 6/30/2013.
- Write short biography of John Douglas Laurie by 12/31/2013.
- Try to locate the townland in Ireland where Patrick Fraher was born
Write downs your goals for 2013 today.

The Indiana Genealogical Society has a wonderful blog. They have a new post almost every day. They inform readers about various genealogy society meetings happening in Indiana. They also inform readers about sources of genealogical interest which have been added to various databases and more.
Some recent posts include;
If you have any Indiana ancestors be sure to check out the Indiana Genealogical Society Blog. You might become a regular reader to this blog.
Many of my readers of this blog know about the 19th century photo album I acquired. I am very thankful for the woman who rescued my family’s photo album, found me and sent me the family heirloom.
Many of these photos have been posted on Wordless Wednesday or in other blog posts. Here are photos 51 – 60 in order from the album. If you can provide any insight into these photos I would love to hear about it. Perhaps you can estimate the year one of the photos was taken or the age of an individual(s) or even perhaps what event was taken place.
This is an unusual sized photo.

This is another unusual sized photo.

This is another unusual sized photo.

This is a tin type photo. It is from prior to 1900.

This is another tin type photo. It is from prior to 1900.

What can you do with all your old tin type family photos. Make a family history photo album.

This is of Mrs. J. Smith from New Haven, CT

This is another tin type photo. It is from prior to 1900.

This is another tin type photo. It is from prior to 1900.

This is a cabinet card photo. It is from prior to 1900.

This is another cabinet card photo. It is from prior to 1900.