The Legal Genealogist is a blog I stumbled upon a little while ago. There seems to be a new blog post nearly every day. The main focus of most of the blogs as you might guess, is about the legal side of genealogy. There are about a dozen or so categories of posts including (copyright, court cases, legal definitions, statutes and more). I have enjoyed reading many of their posts and will continue to read them regularly. Stop by and read them for yourselves. CAUTION, you may find yourself on this website for quite a while reading through their archives.
Many of my readers of this blog know about the 19th century photo album I acquired. I am very thankful for the woman who rescued my family’s photo album, found me and sent me the family heirloom.
Many of these photos have been posted on Wordless Wednesday or in other blog posts. Here are the fourth ten photos in order from the album. If you can provide any insight into these photos I would love to hear about it. Perhaps you can estimate the year one of the photos was taken or the age of an individial(s) or even perhaps what event was taken place.
This is a tin type photo.
This is another tin type photo. It is from prior to 1900.
This is another tin type photo. It is from prior to 1900.
This is another tin type photo. It is from prior to 1900.
This is another tin type photo. It is from prior to 1900.
What can you do with all your old tin type family photos. Make a family history photo album.
This is another tin type photo. It is from prior to 1900.
This is another tin type photo. It is from prior to 1900.
This is another tin type photo. It is from prior to 1900.
This is a cabinate card. It is from prior to 1900
This is an unusual size. The time period of this photo appears to be a lot later than a lot of the photos from the album.